Handbag collection and branding for a handbag firm in Barcelona.

Back in Spain I worked as a designer with the studio Pekkele, which was an spanish startup, to design and produce a set of handbags and purses, together with the branding.

With a focus on quality craftsmanship, the collection was focused in creating beautiful and functional handbags that were both stylish and practical. The handbags were carefully crafted, paying attention to the smallest details, and each one is unique, with its own distinctive personality. The materials and textures used in the collection were expertly chosen to bring out the beauty and versatility of each piece, and the end result was a collection of handbags that were both fashionable and timeless.

For the branding we wanted to create cohesive and distinctive identity for the company. This included the development of a visual identity, such as a logo, color palette, and typography,

The goal of this branding project was to create a recognizable and memorable brand that connected with its target audience and effectively communicated its unique handbags offering.


Logo Design - The Senior Dog


Illustration - M&T